Add a task middleware

As of today, Procrastinate has no specific way of ensuring a piece of code runs before or after every job. That being said, you can always decide to use your own decorator instead of @app.task and have this decorator implement the actions you need and delegate the rest to @app.task. It might look like this:

import functools

def task(original_func=None, **kwargs):
    def wrap(func):
        def new_func(*job_args, **job_kwargs):
            # This is the custom part
            result = func(*job_args, **job_kwargs)
            return result

        wrapped_func = functools.update_wrapper(new_func, func, updated=())
        return app.task(**kwargs)(wrapped_func)

    if not original_func:
        return wrap

    return wrap(original_func)

Then, define all of your tasks using this @task decorator.