Monitor Procrastinate in a real environment

The baseline: a smoke test

The command line interface gives a basic monitoring available through the console.

$ procrastinate healthchecks
App configuration: OK
DB connection: OK
Found procrastinate_jobs table: OK

The administration shell

The procrastinate shell is a tool to administrate jobs and overview queues and tasks. It is an interactive shell that you can run with the following command.

Experimental feature.

$ procrastinate shell
Welcome to the procrastinate shell.   Type help or ? to list commands.

procrastinate> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  cancel  exit  help  list_locks  list_jobs  list_queues  list_tasks  retry


Shell commands can also be launched non-interactively by passing a single command. In that case, the command will be executed, and the shell will exit immediately.

$ procrastinate shell list_jobs

As usual, you should use --app argument or PROCRASTINATE_APP environment variable to specify the application you want to use (see Use the command line).

There are commands to list all the jobs (list_jobs), tasks (list_tasks), queues (list_queues) and locks (list_locks). And commands to retry (retry) & cancel (cancel) a specific job.

You can get help for a specific command cmd by typing help cmd.

Error reporting

When a job throws an error, procrastinate logs an error including exc_info. Some error capture tools will automatically collect tracebacks from these logs.

A non-exhaustive list of tools which do this:

The administration web portal

Not yet, maybe someday.