Cancel a job

We can cancel a job that has not yet been processed by a worker. We can also mark a job that is currently being processed for abortion, but this request has to be handled by the task itself.

Cancel a job (that is not being processed yet)

# by using the sync method
# or by using the async method
await app.job_manager.cancel_job_by_id_async(33)

Delete the cancelled job

A cancelled job can also be deleted from the database.

# by using the sync method
app.job_manager.cancel_job_by_id(33, delete_job=True)
# or by using the async method
await app.job_manager.cancel_job_by_id_async(33, delete_job=True)

Mark a currently being processed job for abortion

If a worker has not picked up the job yet, the below command behaves like the command without the abort option. But if a job is already in the middle of being processed, the abort option marks this job for abortion (see below how to handle this request).

# by using the sync method
app.job_manager.cancel_job_by_id(33, abort=True)
# or by using the async method
await app.job_manager.cancel_job_by_id_async(33, abort=True)

Handle a abortion request inside the task

In our task, we can check (for example, periodically) if the task should be aborted. If we want to respect that request (we don’t have to), we raise a JobAborted error. Any message passed to JobAborted (e.g. raise JobAborted("custom message")) will end up in the logs.

def my_task(context):
  for i in range(100):
    if context.should_abort():
      raise exceptions.JobAborted

There is also an async API

async def my_task(context):
  for i in range(100):
    if await context.should_abort_async():
      raise exceptions.JobAborted


context.should_abort() and context.should_abort_async() does poll the database and might flood the database. Ensure you do it only sometimes and not from too many parallel tasks.


When a task of a job that was requested to be aborted raises an error, the job is marked as failed (regardless of the retry strategy).